Sunday, April 21, 2013

Damn Carl's Jr and My Mouth! (W30d4)

So it's day FOUR and I am already angry at the world for allowing me to do such a "drastic" change in my life as to eat whole foods (not processed).

I come home from work, prepare my lunch for tomorrow and don't have the energy to make a dinner for the family. I am run down, not sleeping well and just a plain old dickhead. The wife didn't want to cook either because she was not feeling well either (that time of her month plus alergies).

I did need to get more groceries though for breakfasts and other meals and since I was the only one on this Whole30 diet thingy, I needed to get stuff for me. I told the family that I wasn't going to cook and that I was headed out to the store and to go ahead an either cook something or go to Carl's Jr and get themselves some food and don't get anything for me unless they had some Sweet Potato Fries and that I could sure go for some carbs.

I leave and go to the store, come back with $50 of healthy shit. I am low blood suger and already pissed at the world and my family brings home Carl's Jr for dinner. and none for me, that's cool. Oh I was fit to be tied. So angry that I could spit nails (plus add any other angry reference you can think of). But I knew I told them that they coold do it, but I was still mad at them for following my directions and the food smelling so damn good.

Carl's Jr commercial :-(

I ended up having some organic chicken sausage and mashed sweet potato with asparagus, but those burgers smelled so good, I was still mad though and I guess my wife could tell...she ended up going back to the store and getting me some (sweet potato) fries...she does love me. 

NOTE: Our Crossfit group decided to take on this challenge (those who wanted to). The only downfall is that anyone who cheats has to do 100 burpees for each offence in front of the whole group...well, I am a big guy and can only get about 30 done so I basically cannot cheat. Was pretty disappointed when my wife told me she wasn't going to do the challenge with me, but I understood. She does daycare and the FDA requires her to feed the children crud, so it is in the house and too much of a temptation for her and she is pretty sure she won't be able to follow through.

I am guessing that burgers and fries are a big temptation for me and will have to ask them not to do that again. At least around me.


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