OR...TMI & Whole30, Day23 Update
Yes--I will be selling this idea to Hollywood for a new Japanese style tv show.
Really---this topic will be TMI and about super happy rainbow poop...do you
really want to read this? If you do choose to suffer through, there is some actual blog content after the poo.
Are you sure you want to continue reading? |
.Last warning
You have been warned--but fear not. There is an updat on day 23 of my Whole30 experience just after Happy Rainbow Poo.
Well- you are truly as foolish as I
for posting this...here we go!
Life before Whole30 was seriously a
poo fest. I would poo first thing in the morning, then 10 minutes after that,
then again after my first sip of coffee, and yet again just before leaving for
work. Then on my way to work, I would need to stop half-way to poo just one
more time. All of the icky and wet...yes, I was Mud Wrestling...Had the Hershey
Squirts...had the--RUNS BIG TIME.
I am now happy to announce that I no
longer have this issue! I poo either once a day or once every other day now. I
can make it to work without stopping (40 minute drive).
I am unsure what the root cause of
the crap-tastic poopfest, BUTT, I am glad it is gone. If this is all I get out
of this way of eating, it's okay with me! I am ecstatic for this result!
Happy as a pig in super happy rainbow poop!
http://whole9life.com/start/ |
WHOLE30, Day #23-The Home Stretch
But I digress...let's move on:
I have to say I am actually feeling
better as a whole right now. My anxiety and depression has improved (the sun
has been out and may have something to do with that as well).
My sleep has slightly improved. I
have actually fell asleep one day last week without taking an Ambien and this
has not happened in years!
I am hesitant on weight loss/body
changes--I look forward to day 30 to see. I think my clothes are getting
looser, but I really cannot tell.
More energy? I think so--slightly
yes. I still need to get my butt to CrossFit more than once a week to really
know. I do have a fear factor here. I suck so bad at CrossFit and am always
last in everything and cannot do a lot of the moments (pull ups, more than 10
burpees, etc). Especially when "running" is involved.
I do keep somewhat busy. I have made
my garden beds and ordered too much soil and so moving dirt all over the place
which works up a big sweat.
One thing I was really hoping for
was to have people notice my changes...that has not happened
Health wise--I get pretty light
headed at times when standing up. Even to the point that it makes me actually
stop and grab something so I don't fall. I do drink plenty of water and feel it
could be blood pressure or diabetes medications that may need to be altered.
Guess I gotta see my doc.
Anyway--day 23 almost done--I can
see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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