Sunday, May 26, 2013

The email I deleted or Tool-puss Baby

So if anyone read my self defeating blog before this one entitled CrossFAT, you may have noticed my little pity party I had going on. And while I was on that great little self bashing rant, I ended up messaging one of our coaches with a shortened version of my blog to his Facebook account. I then went on and did a few chores and stuff and was thinking about my note to him and basically thinking I was being a tool, a puss, and a baby. So I did what any Tool-puss Baby would do and went back online and deleted my note hoping he wouldn't have seen it.
Meanwhile life goes on. I go back to work for a week and then I needed to go back to the CrossFit box to give the coaches some paperwork and forms (I help them out a bit with graphics and printing since that is what I know best), and low and behold there was the coach I had sent and then retracted the note.
Evidently he saw it because he told me he had been meaning to call me and chat but had been pretty busy. [Sidenote: I know this guy is super busy with roughly two full times jobs.]
He questioned me about the email I sent and I told him that I kinda hope he didn't see it because I deleted it. But guess not. We ended up chatting about my fears of CrossFit and about how basically I feel that I am not a cookie cutter template of a typical crossfitter. He agreed and spoke about how he would be willing to assist me in getting to a place where I could come back to crossfit  when I was strong enough with enough lasting ability for the tougher WODs. But that I would have to dedicate myself and put forth a lot of effort to get there. He would set up a plan for me and I would need to make sure that I followed the instructions religiously and that I would need to come up with some goal to reach...not just any goals to be done at any random time, but very specific goals with specific time frames to complete them by. So I came up with the following:
He mentioned that he will put a plan together to help me obtain these goals. I have put these out here now in public so all who care to read see what these are and can help me be accountable to these lofty goals of mine.
So once I go.

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